Sunday, April 15, 2012


I finally got my act together and restarted blogging, after gchatting with my good friend (and fellow traveler) Julie. But as it is nearly midnight, I have work and a 7 hour drive tomorrow, and an exam on Tuesday, this will be short.

I was up late (2am, which is very late for us old*, post-college 22 year-old, especially for a sober weekend) last night, helping out my cousin with her Physics 101 homework. It had been nearly a year since I've done that, and it was fun** to dust off the old intro textbooks and do some good ole rotational kinematics again. My cousin has an exam this week, so we skyped from 11.30pm to 2am, working our way through her practice exam. All in all a successful evening, given my other option was to continue watching Legion with my roommate.

*I was called old by both my cousin and her roommate. Unthankful little...
** I was a physics major. Don't judge.

Carly's roommate made a comment, "well, at least you don't have to worry about this stuff [studying] any more," to which I sadly responded, "you would think that...."


  1. What's the exam you're taking on Tuesday?

  2. The second of 2 exams in the Foundations of Accounting course that I'm taking. It's an internal course developed by GE, more or less equivalent to Accounting 201.
